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How To Get Paid On Shopify In The Caribbean

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Have you been looking at setting up your website using the Shopify platform? Then you are going to want to take in this episode.

When it comes to taking credit card payments and getting involved in E-Commerce using the Shopify platform, folks in the Caribbean have been struggling to get the information needed in order to get paid on the platform.

This episode is going to shine a light on the 2 methods of getting paid on Shopify if you are in the Caribbean.

Here are the 3 websites to check out that we spoke of in the episode:

First Atlantic Commerce

Web Gold (FAC) Shopify Integration

The Wify Plugin

Remember, You need to ask your bank where your business account is set up for the Merchant Account or The E-Commerce account. You can reach out to First Atlantic Commerce and they can help you get set up with a Merchant Account in your country with your bank of choice. 

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The Banks Are Holding Back Caribbean E-Commerce

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In Ep 60, we take a look at how the banks in the Caribbean are severely holding back E-Commerce.

In 2022, the mistakes the banks continue to make are unforgivable, we are going into year 3 of the pandemic and they have shown no growth in how they are helping the business space understand & develop their transition into the world of E-Commerce.

This episode only happened because whilst I was doing my research for another episode, I realized that I couldn’t get any of the information required from any of their websites and I literally had to get the information from networking.

If the banks want to see the region finally start to excel and tap into E-Commerce, they are going to have to do a lot more when it comes to educating, guiding and onboarding merchants better.

I know I went on a little rant in this episode but I truly believe that the banks are holding back Caribbean E-Commerce in a big way and 3 years into the pandemic, they need to find a clue. It shows in all of their content or lack of it, their messaging, their platforms that they do not have a clue and they need to start working with E-Commerce experts around the region to really help push the space.

After all, you are offering solutions in the E-Commerce space and have all the resources needed to make a big impact.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”306=No Tangible E-Commerce Info&442=Breaking Down Each Bank&953=E-Commerce Account Fees&1466=How The Banks Can Help&1711=Final Remarks&”]

Market Research: 5 Factors To Pay Attention To

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In Ep 59, we dive into one of the most underperformed piece of a digital strategy…Market Research.

In order for businesses to be successful in growing their digital presence, they need to understand who, what and where their audiences are and what part of the buyer’s journey they are at.

You need to understand intimately what are the problems & desires that your audience has and then create the right content, products, services to match what they need.

This is where getting great at Market Research comes in handy. 

We give you 5 starting factors to pay attention to when conducting your research, in order to help build your digital strategy and we close out with some resources for you to be able to get started in learning how to conduct your own market research.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”615=Intentions Of Search&1254=Understanding The Queries&1756=Understanding The Landscape of Competitors&1255=It Is An Opportunity Generator&2140=Extracting Social Media Data&”]

Why Your Business Needs An Ecosystem

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Building your brand’s Eco-system is no small feat. Your Ecosystem is a collection of your products, services, marketing channels, infrastructure, tools, product delivery methods all working seamlessly to create your brand and how your brand delivers to the end-user.

The best brands in the world focus on creating a complex ecosystem that allows them to deliver the highest quality customer experience for their clientele.

In this episode, I introduce the concept of the Brand Ecosystem and give you examples of what my ecosystem looks like.

This is an area that Caribbean businesses have struggled with because they have never needed to build an ecosystem with digital in mind.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”1142=What is a brand ecosystem&1197=My 1st challenge with my ecosytem&1717=Starting the ecosystem&2126=Why your clients don’t buy&2653=The Marketing Machine In The Ecosystem&”]

5 Ways Writing A Book Helps Build Your Brand

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Writing a book is one of the best things you can do to establish yourself as a thought leader in your respective niches. This is something that separates you from the pack and will allow you to tap into opportunities that you never saw coming.

In this episode, we dive into 5 ways this book can help you build your brand and business.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”398=Establish Credibility&737=Amazon Author Page&954=PR Opportunities&1276=Income Generation&1507=Deepening Your Knowledge&”]

Brand Ambassadors: When & If You Should Use One

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Signing a Brand Ambassador for your business has some tremendous upsides in the growth of your business both for awareness and sales. 

Whilst we see many brands across the Caribbean using Brand Ambassadors, we often don’t see a symbiotic relationship that makes sense for either party. What we tend to see is popular people with large followings sign deals and there is almost no visible strategy beyond awareness or any correlation with the brands & influencers. 

In this episode, we dive into some of the reasons why your business should be signing brand ambassadors, why you should probably become one (even if you own a business), the pitfalls for businesses and influencers to look for when jumping into these relationships.

Just for added clarification…You can be an Influencer without being a Brand Ambassador. An Influencer essentially becomes one when they sign an agreement with a company to represent their brand.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”732=What Is a Brand Ambassdor&790=Why would a Company Work With One&1092=Why Become a Brand Ambassador&1406=Core Problems With This Strategy In The Caribbean&2118=Tips On Becoming a Brand Ambassador&2689=Tips For Businesses Working With Ambassadors&”]

5 Skills To Learn For 2022

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We are BACK from the Christmas & New Year’s break and we got a beautiful episode to kick off the top of 2022.

In this episode, we dive into 5 skills I believe business owners should learn or should outsource for in 2022.

With a wide variety of new technologies emerging this year, mastering these 5 skills will provide a solid foundation for you to prime yourself for anything else that comes out.

Here are the 5 skills to learn for 2022:

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”336=Learn Digital Strategies&686=Learning Content Creation&1269=Market Research&1540=Search Engine Optimization&1726=Copywriting&”]

Season’s Greetings

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Digipreneur Family…What’s going on everyone?

I just wanted to jump in here really quickly to wish all of you season’s greetings and let you know that there won’t be any more episodes for 2021.

I’ll be taking my rest and I hope that those who can take their time off, do and try to recharge for 2022. For those of you who are going hard for Christmas, I hope that the rest of the year does everything you need for your business during these tough times.

I will definitely be back ready for the family in January and once again…Wishing you Seasons Greetings and all the best for the new year. 

11 Ways To Repurpose Your Content

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When it comes to creating content as a business owner, I’m sure most of you have gotten those headaches about where to begin, how many times should I post, what platforms should I use and do I really need to post 3x per day? Lol.

Well in this episode, I am going to dive into my content repurposing strategy and show you how to take 1 idea and give you 11 ways to repurpose your content.

One of the biggest mistakes I keep seeing online is people telling you to double down on 1 platform…Forgetting that every platform is a key cog in an overall digital strategy.

Things don’t need to be complex either and you don’t need to start out doing everything…but over time, I would recommend learning about the various digital channels and learning how to repurpose content across the spectrum.

This will allow your brand to be omnipresent, get in front of different audiences, create content in a manner that people learn best in and help pull in leads and sales from all over the interwebs.

This is about 80% of what I do on a daily basis for everything I post…I would have included the other bits but then you would probably get overwhelmed and not think it possible lol.

The goal is to work up to this over time…and keep in mind…I am a Solopreneur doing all of this on my own…so it can be done!

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”595=The Podcast&935=The Blog&1548=Ig Carousel and Linkedin Slide Deck&1734=Create Your Tweets&2069=Short-Form Video&2512=Email Blast&2814=Push Notifications&2963=Google Web Stories&3228=Google Business&”]

Can Short Form Content On TikTok Hurt Your Business?

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With the explosive growth happening over on TikTok and the rise of short-form video content, we need to talk about how this can actually hurt your business if you are not mindful.

Whilst I believe you should be using things like TikTok and Instagram Reels to create content and grow your business, there are some things that business owners have begun sacrificing in order to focus solely on growing on these platforms and only using short-form content.

In this episode, we break down the 3 ways short-form content is hurting business owners and what they need to be mindful of whilst putting more time into short-form content. 

I think one of the most harmful ways that this is hurting business owners is that they are being blinded by the quick growth on TikTok, they have shifted all of their focus now to growing there quickly and have thrown building an overall Digital Business Strategy out the window.

Change for your audience/clients will not happen if all you have to offer is 1 min videos!

You need an overall digital strategy, you still need to collect data, build channels where you own the relationship and curriculum to effect real change.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”630=Surface Level Content&1114=Sacrificing Long-Form Content for Short-Form Content&1593=Ditching Overall Digital Strategy&”]