ArchivesDigipreneur FM

The Key Infrastructure Needed For Your Marketing & Digital Success

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When it comes to taking our businesses online, collecting data and measuring our marketing success, Caribbean Businesses struggle in this area because of the lack of infrastructure in their business.

Without things like your Website, CRM, Analytics Tools, Email List and more, it is very hard as a business to build online and measure the activities that you are doing.

If you don’t know things like which platforms are generating the most traffic or business for you, what are the top questions/keywords that are leading people to your business, which influencers are driving the most traffic or sales to your business, then you are doing this wrong.

The struggle comes down to a lack of understanding of the tools and infrastructure needed in order to answer some of the most basic questions on how our brands are performing digitally.

In this episode, I cover 6 key pieces of infrastructure that your brand needs in order for marketing and digital success.

Ep 10: The Key Infrastructure Needed For Your Marketing & Digital Success

How My Side Business Generated 300k With No Ad Spend

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In this episode, I wanted to take a dive into the things that allowed my side business, Droid Island, to generate 300k during the pandemic, without any Ad spend.

I learned some valuable lessons in 2020 and I hope that the information shared in this episode, will highlight some of the practical things that you can do to start adding revenue to your business.

There are also some critical skills I want you guys & gals to really take a look at. I believe that as a small business owner, learning things like SEO & Content Marketing from platforms like Hubspot, SEMRush, AHrefs, Google Digital Garage, you can learn how to extract data on your audience and build the right products/services based on their needs.

Ep 9: How My Side Business Generated 300k With No Ad Spend.

Sunday Motivation: All Hands On Deck In The Caribbean

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When I create content, I tend to focus on giving as much practical and tangible information, so that my audience can implement the content immediately in their business or take steps to implement it.

I try to stay away from the obscure advice, it’s just never been my thing. However, I am constantly told that I have my own way of motivating folks and the more I am asked to speak and motivate an audience, I have started to see what you have all been telling me for some time.

Every Sunday, I am going to drop my own style of motivational sessions…In this first episode, I woke up with a simple download…That download was “All Hands On Deck In The Caribbean.”

We need you, your energy, your talents, your perspectives in order to develop the region. We need strong ties with the diaspora and need more of them to come back to the region to merge with our homegrown talent for us to grow.

I hope that this episode speaks to at least 1 person and If it does, reach out to me and let me know that you are ready to be an agent of change in the region.

Sunday Motivation: All Hands On Deck In The Caribbean

The 4 Keys To E-Commerce In The Caribbean

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If you are looking to start getting paid online and want to learn about the platforms you need, payment processors and what it will take for clients from anywhere in the world to pay you online…this episode is for you.

We break down some key elements for Caribbean E-Commerce so that your businesses across the region have some guidance as to what they will need and a starting point for them to do their homework.

Remember, everybody’s situation may be different from yours. So what tools and platforms may work for 1 business, may not be the best fit for another business.

Keep that in mind when you are fielding information for friends/families. and other business owners.

Ep 7: The 4 Keys To E-Commerce In The Caribbean

How To Create 10 Revenue Streams Within 1 Brand

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In Ep.6, we take a look at how you can create 10 streams of income within your brand!

When people talk about creating multiple streams of income, we don’t advise that you go about creating 10 different businesses. What we need to take a deeper look at is how we can grow our brands and implement a variety of revenue streams that complement each other.

The Digital Age makes this a lot easier due to the systems available to us now for each of the monetization methods to flow seamlessly within your business.

Don’t forget to drop a review on this episode and I would love to hear about which revenue stream that you are excited to launch within your business.

Ep 6: How To Create 10 Revenue Streams Within 1 Brand

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6 Ways Your Website Can Grow Your Business

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One of the reasons here in the Caribbean that businesses don’t have a website is because they don’t actually know what a website can do for their business besides showcasing products/services.

With that in mind, it’s no wonder why most businesses owners will prefer to use social media for free and not invest in having a website.

In this episode, we break down 6 ways that your website can help grow your business.

Make sure you have a pen and paper handy, these are things that you are going to want to enquire about to have integrated into your business.

Ep 5: 6 Ways Your Website Can Grow Your Business

Which Website Platforms Should Caribbean Businesses Use

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Are you planning to build your website but are not sure which platform to use? The choice can definitely be difficult since each Caribbean country has their own unique situations that need to be considered when picking a platform. That said, which website platform should Caribbean businesses use?

Well, in this episode we break down platforms like Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify, Wishops, Fygaro, Buzz Shops and help you make a decision as to which platform to use.

Ep 4: Which Website Platforms Should Caribbean Businesses Use.

Turn Your Passion Into A Business

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The beautiful thing about the time that we currently live in is that there are endless opportunities only limited by one’s creativity. The technology available to us can allow you to turn your passion into a business.

In this episode, I give you some tips that will allow you to start figuring out your passions and a method to see if there are opportunities to turn it into a business and begin generating an income.

If this episode gave you some clarity, feel free to drop a comment below.

Ep 3: Turn Your Passion Into A Business

7 Reasons To Become A Digipreneur

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Have you been thinking about becoming a digital entrepreneur? There is a wide range of benefits to looking at how you can take advantage of the internet and learning the skills you would see working from anywhere that your computer can plug into and connect to a wifi connection. If you need some perspective, take a listen to my 7 reasons to become a digipreneur.

You don’t need major financing to get started as a Digipreneur…

Keron Rose

I hope this episode can provide some much-needed perspective into how Digital Entrepreneurship can allow you to participate in the global economy and be a great source of income to either supplement your 9 to 5 or become a full-time business owner.

Let me know which of the 7 reasons made the most sense for you to get started?

Ep 2: 7 Reasons To Become A Digipreneur

A Digipreneur Is Born

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The first episode has finally been released and I thought it would be appropriate to give you a bit of my back story as to how I ended up in the world of Digital Entrepreneurship.

I was kind of forced into this lifestyle given a lot of the things that happened during the course of the last 5 years but I firmly believe that all of the ups & downs were necessary to help me get to where I am right now. I wouldn’t change a step.

I believe that if more of the Caribbean region learned how to maximize the new opportunities presented to us in the digital age, we could become more self-reliant and create our own income streams from right here in our beautiful islands.

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Technology is the great equalizer and will allow the Caribbean to play on the world stage.

I don’t always dive into my backstory because I want to give you guys value that ultimately helps you move forward on your own journey…but there is also power in our story as well and maybe there is someone who is going through a similar situation or maybe you know someone going through it and this episode may help them.

Enjoy the episode and I feel free to touch base with some feedback. You can support the podcast by giving a sharing or dropping a review for me…Thanks a million.

Ep 1: A Digipreneur is Born.