ArchivesDigipreneur FM

Where Have You Been Mr.Rose?

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Where Have You Been Keron? When is the next podcast episode dropping?

Lol…For those of you who have reached out asking where is our podcast episodes, thank you…Means a lot to be missed and I am always glad that you appreciate the content.

This episode was just to update you on my absence and to let the Digipreneur Family know where I’ve been and let you know that we will be resuming back in a few days.

Don’t forget to check out the website to stay up to date on all things happening in the community.

How I Hit 10k Followers On TikTok In 2 Months

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I’m sure by now you have heard about the generous organic reach happening on the TikTok platform and how some people are experiencing viral growth. However, that isn’t happening for everybody!

I decided to double down at the start of February and cracked 10k followers on TikTok before we finished March. This episode dives into what I did to grow my following and engagement on TikTok with predominantly business-related content. 

I also give a comparison of my growth on TikTok vs Instagram for the same period. My hope is that you can take some of the strategies and observations and make them work for your business as well. 

To learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing, visit

Ep 70: How I Hit 10k Followers on TikTok in 2 months.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”437=My 1st video in 2019&776=Early videos flopping&918=Why I Started back&1162=Random content hurts your business&1440=Businesses getting this wrong&2072=How many times I posted per day&2242=Tiktok vs Instagram Growth&3019=Examples of great business creators&”]

Bad Business: DM For Prices

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In the Caribbean, our business owners love to entice with their amazing products and services, only to then hit you with the DM for price.

Listen, in 2022…The last thing any customer or potential client wants to do is to DM you for a price.

There is no excuse anymore. We don’t DM for prices on Amazon, nor do we DM for prices on Freelance platforms when we are looking to hire professional services. 

We dive into this topic more in this episode.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”185=Establish Your Authority&372=DM For Price is a Problem&577=An example of the DM for price peeve&841=Service providers and no prices&1139=The service provider excuses&1369=Pricing Strategy&”]

Check out to learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms.

7 Ways To Spot a Bad Marketing & Branding Coach

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In 2022, I am hoping that more and more of the population is equipped to determine who are the coaches and people they should be investing their money and time with to help them grow their own businesses.

It’s hard for people to determine who can actually help you just by looking at their social media and many of the Business/Marketing/Social Media coach out here talk a good game. So in this episode, I am giving you 7 ways to check whether or not these coaches are worth investing in or even following on social media.

Following this guide will help you save your money from a bad investment, wasting your time or even allowing these people to take up precious space on your social media feeds.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”662=Body of Work&1075=Look at their clients&1485=Do they have a full-time job&1935=Are they practicing what they preach&2114=Creating only inspo content&2497=Do they have courses or workshops in their own name&2910=Certifications and Degrees&”]

What is the cheapest way to do E-Commerce?

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Even though the pandemic is fading and the world is starting to open back up, consumer habits have changed. They still want the convenience of being able to order from your website and have your products delivered to their addresses or book their appointments online.

That being said, 1 of the questions I got this week from a small business owner was “What is the cheapest way to do E-Commerce in the Caribbean?”

I break down the popular platforms like Wix, Shopify, Squarespace and WordPress, their fees and how to get paid on them.

The 2 hosting companies mentioned in this episode are Siteground and Overmill

Ep 67: What is the cheapest way to do E-Commerce in the Caribbean?

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”257=Consumer habits have changed&559=Shopify Fees&685=Wix Fees&740=WordPress Fees&”]

Morphing Multiple Marketing Roles Into One

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We have seen more and more companies looking for digital marketers and E-Commerce specialists in the Caribbean in their push to go digital.

However, when we go through the job descriptions, we are seeing their role 8 roles into 1 and are trying to pay people next to nothing. We have seen companies like J&K Signature and Excellent Stores engage in these practices but when we look at the number of roles laid out and the remuneration of $6000ttd=$884USD to start for these jobs, there is something grossly wrong.

I hope this episode will help the companies understand that whilst they need these roles fulfilled, they would be better off seeking freelancers on platforms like Fiverr, then wrap multiple disciplines into 1 and underpay that staff member.

This should also let job seekers know that you need to value yourself and know that your skillsets have much more value than these companies are willing to pay you for and that you should stay away.

You can check out the J&K Signature Role Here -> E-Commerce & Digital Technology Admin

Excellent Stores -> E-Commerce Specialist 

Ep 66: Morphing Multiple Marketing Roles Into One

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”452=Morphing multiple roles into 1&658=The company perspective&803=J and K Signature Job Description&1801=Hiring a Freelancer&2390=Excellent Stores: E-Commerce Specialist&3389=Valuing yourself as a job hunter&”]

Don’t forget to visit to learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms. You can also subscribe to the Digipreneur.FM email & push notification list to ensure you never miss an episode. 

Is Brand Photography Dead For Social Media?

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Back in June 2021 the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri came out and announced that major changes would be coming to Instagram, which had people asking the question is photography dead for social media?

The message that Instagram sent was clear: it no longer wants to be thought of as the “square photo-sharing app,” as Mosseri puts it, but instead as a general entertainment app driven by algorithms and videos.

In December of 2021, The Caribbean region finally got the long-awaited feature Reels and creators across the region have started to see some growth in their numbers after many complaints of stagnation on the platform.

The question I wanted to tackle in this episode is…is brand photography dead for social media?

If the top photo-sharing app is no longer focused on photos, as a business, does it make sense to pour budgets into photography for social media?

We dive into that question.

One thing for sure is that you are going to have to be more creative and strategic with how you use your images on social media and there are a wide variety of ways to do that.

What you probably want to start moving away from is doing an entire shoot strictly for social media, only to post static images.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”447=Where this question stemmed from&1242=Where I Use Photos&966=Instagraom vs TikTok&1331=What you should prioritize&1531=Where to put your photos now&”]

Don’t forget to check out to learn all about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms.

5 Social Media Platforms I’m Focusing On For 2022

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In Ep 64, we are tackling one of the questions I have been getting asked recently, which social media platforms I am focusing on for 2022?

Now, I know everybody is planning and trying to figure out which social media platforms they should use and focus on, this will be different for everybody. There are a lot of nuances that go into picking which platforms to use and go hard on.

In this episode, I decided that I am going to give you guys the 5 platforms that I am focusing on and my reasons why I have personally chosen these platforms. Hopefully, it gives you some perspectives and ideas for how you can work it into your digital strategies as well.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline”data=”502=Linkedin&1276=TikTok&1729=Pinterest&2025=Instagram&2876=Facebook&”]

Don’t forget to check out to learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms.

Reach out and let me know which social platforms will you be focusing on this year.

5 Reasons To Become a Contributor For a News House

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Becoming a guest contributor for a News house has many benefits that can help grow your business and your brand.

In Ep 63, we dove into 5 key reasons why you should start looking at how you can contribute to the News Houses or Media Houses in your country.

In the age of digital and social media, you may think that there is no value in contributing but there is and I hope that after this episode, we have provided you with enough food for thought to start looking at how you can integrate this into your overall business development and marketing strategies. 

Here are the 5 reasons to become a contributor for a News House or Media House:

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”351=Establish Your Authority&722=Backlinks & Traffic To Your Website&964=Increases Your Searchability&1244=Tap Into Traditional Audiences&1416=Brand Exposure&2010=Grow Social Media Following&”]

Don’t forget to check out to learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms.

How To Get Paid On Wix In The Caribbean

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Are you looking to use the Wix website builder and not sure how to go about getting paid in the Caribbean?

In this episode, we dive into the 2 ways for you to get paid on the platform if you are living in the Caribbean region.

Here are the 2 websites we mentioned in the episode that you are going to need:

First Atlantic Commerce


I hope this information helps you build your business using Wix.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”733=Set Up Merchant Account&1016=Set Up First Atlantic Commerce&1064=Set up Tilopay&”]