11 Reasons Why Your Marketing is Falling Flat

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Welcome to another exciting episode of Digipreneur FM, the podcast that explores the world of digital entrepreneurship and marketing. In today’s episode, number 131, we shine a spotlight on the challenges faced by businesses in the Caribbean when it comes to marketing. We identify 11 reasons why marketing is falling flat in the region, and more importantly, we delve into actionable strategies to help businesses overcome these obstacles.

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[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”617=Focusing Only On Ads&995=Lack of Industry Expertise&1238=Nobody Creating Content&1435=No Clear Strategy&1561=Your Marketing Personnel&1784=No Upskilling&1824=Management Controlling Everything&1959=Outsourcing To Ad Agencies&2187=Lack of Budget&2328=Underststanding The Platforms&2465=Lack of Storytelling&”]

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