10 Types Of Blog Posts To Create in 2022

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Have you been unsure about starting a blog in fear that blogs may be dead?

The great news is that blogs are alive and thriving still in 2022 and the readership has grown by over 12% in the last 5 years.

Think about it, the #1 used platform for information is Google with over 9.5 billion searches per day and for every search we conduct, what do we see as a result? A link to an article/blog on a website.

That being said, here are the top 10 types of blog posts you should be creating on your website to grow your business and audience in 2022.

Check out the Keronrose.com website to learn how to build your digital presence and monetize. 

Ep 75: The 10 Types of Blog Posts To Create in 2022

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”1238=How To Blogs&1355=Listicles or List Blogs&1621=Content Hubs&1700=Expanded Definitions&1784=Expanded List Posts&1879=News Articles&2022=Data Studies&2062=Case Studies&2143=Cheat Sheets&2264=Templates&”]

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