The InKnowvation Series By Flow Business

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Flow Business & BTC have come together to put forward a really good month-long series to help Caribbean businesses out in a big way.

I decided to dive into what the series is all about because I believe it’s going to be one of the better and more important series of events for Caribbean Businesses this year.

There are going to be keynote speakers from Alison Hinds, Grace “Spice” Hamilton, Natasha Mayne and Tricia Coosal.

The hands-on workshops will be done by Virgin Atlantic, Wipay, Caribshopper and myself…Keron Rose.

The goal is to give Caribbean Entrepreneurs & Businesses the much-needed guidance in building their digital presence, marketing their business, creating their own platforms, export their products and get paid globally.

The event is also free and will happen on October 8, 15, 22 and 29th.

There is also going to be a contest to pitch your business and win a $15kusd cash prize for your business and much more.

To register for this event…Go To

I look forward to seeing there and guiding you in my workshop.

Ep 40: Flow Business Presents Inknowvation

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1 Comment

  1. Kadion Preston October 7, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    You are the best …..


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