Is Brand Photography Dead For Social Media?

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Back in June 2021 the CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri came out and announced that major changes would be coming to Instagram, which had people asking the question is photography dead for social media?

The message that Instagram sent was clear: it no longer wants to be thought of as the “square photo-sharing app,” as Mosseri puts it, but instead as a general entertainment app driven by algorithms and videos.

In December of 2021, The Caribbean region finally got the long-awaited feature Reels and creators across the region have started to see some growth in their numbers after many complaints of stagnation on the platform.

The question I wanted to tackle in this episode is…is brand photography dead for social media?

If the top photo-sharing app is no longer focused on photos, as a business, does it make sense to pour budgets into photography for social media?

We dive into that question.

One thing for sure is that you are going to have to be more creative and strategic with how you use your images on social media and there are a wide variety of ways to do that.

What you probably want to start moving away from is doing an entire shoot strictly for social media, only to post static images.

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”447=Where this question stemmed from&1242=Where I Use Photos&966=Instagraom vs TikTok&1331=What you should prioritize&1531=Where to put your photos now&”]

Don’t forget to check out to learn all about building your digital presence and monetizing your platforms.

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