Are Marketing Agencies Effective In The Caribbean?

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The rules of Marketing & PR have changed dramatically over the years and when we look at most companies across the Caribbean region, it doesn’t seem like they have kept up with the changes. However, most companies have outsourced their marketing efforts to agencies. 

The days of Mad Men marketing are gone and we tend to ignore ads across digital channels now in favour of educational or entertaining content and belonging to communities.

In this episode, we dive into why marketing agencies haven’t been effective in the Caribbean and the consequences of getting this wrong.

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[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”311=Big Annoucement&1078=Where the topic stems from&1436=Agencies need to know clients intimately&1588=Clients don’t know their own products&1855=Companies need to revamp internal marketing teams&1996=Lack of Caribbean Info Available Online&2267=How misinformation is spreads&”]

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