What Your Marketing Strategy Needs In 2023

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Your customers have changed! How they shop, their needs, the platforms they use, and how they want to be shown information, is very different from pre-covid times. 

If you are unsure about what types of things your marketing strategy needs in 2023, let’s break down a few things your organization should be doing and will need in order to find success this year.

Visit KeronRose.com to learn more about building your digital presence and monetizing your platform.

Ep 116: What Your Marketing Strategy Needs in 2023

[cl_timeline title=”Episode Timeline” data=”818=Upskilling with these skills&1017=Doubling Down on Long Form Content&1139=Short Form Content W/ Substance&1253=Building a Community For Your Niche&2069=Short-Form Video&1381=Focusing on Owned Channels&1593=Aligned Micro Influencers&1767=First Party Data Collection&1227=Artificial Intelligence Skills&”]

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